Why consider donating rugs?
Donation of rugs can demonstrate love for the poor and/or benefit an organization deserving of support. After years of enjoying beautiful rugs, consider how rewarding it could be to pass them along and let someone else enjoy them too. Simplifying one’s lifestyle, moving to a smaller space, or inheriting rugs can make the donation of unneeded rugs a convenient, swift and safe means of making provision for them. And donation for a tax deduction can certainly provide a simple way to derive benefit from one’s property.
Why not try to sell unneeded rugs?
Sale of rugs requires expertise, time, a showroom and the physical strength to display them for a prospective buyer. Consignment is an option, but often takes time, with no guaranteed result. Advertising publicly (e.g., on the web, in Craigslist) could potentially compromise privacy, security of domicile, or even personal safety of a donor.
If donation is decided on, who can help?
Noor Oriental Rugs, Inc. can help with every step of the donation process. We have extensive experience and expertise in the field. Noor has been a member of the Better Business Bureau since 1989. Company owner and president Mo Nooraee is a graduate of both Tehran and Harvard Universities. He has spent most of his life weaving, restoring, designing, cleaning, selling, and teaching courses on Persian rugs.
What can Noor do to facilitate donation?
Noor will be happy to arrange to pick up rug(s) for donation purposes free of charge. For local donations, we come in our company van to pick up the rug(s). For non-local donations, we use UPS nationwide for this purpose.
Noor will inspect every square inch of the rug(s) within days and give the donor an evaluation of the condition of the rug(s) and the cost for bringing the rug(s) back to acceptable condition.
Noor policy is to hand wash and restore rug(s) before donation. The service charge for such services is typically paid by the donor(s). Since appraisal of a donated rug depends on condition, naturally a higher value accrues to the rug if the donor is willing to pay for its by-hand cleaning/restoration.
The donor can supply a formal appraisal from another source, or Mr. Nooraee, who is an expert in rug appraisal, can provide the service for a charge of $350. per rug.
Please note that donation, once agreed to, is a binding and irrevocable process.
What does Noor do with donated rugs?
a) Noor may give them to a charitable organization,
b) Noor may give them to individuals in need, or
c) Noor may sell such donation, forwarding the net proceeds to charitable organizations.
What is Noor Oriental Rugs, Inc.?
Noor Oriental Rugs, Inc. is located at 769 Concord Avenue, Cambridge, MA 03138. The company, owned by Mo Nooraee, is an S Corporation under Massachusetts Laws. Noor’s business activities are explained in detail at www.NoorOrientalRugs.com. Noor is not a charitable organization. However, Noor has over 37 years of world-wide trade experience, has been donating – and facilitating donation of - rugs for decades, and is quite familiar and successful with the procedure.
Who is Mo Nooraee?
Mo Nooraee, a graduate of Harvard Law School, is the Founder and President of Noor Oriental Rugs, Inc., a seventh generation family enterprise. Himself a master weaver, he is a world expert on hand-made rugs, traditional environmentally responsible cleaning by hand, and authentic invisible restoration of woven treasures. He can be reached at (617) 868-6667 or at info@noororientalrugs.com. The company offices are at 769 Concord Avenue, Cambridge near Fresh Pond.
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